name: joseph vince kalolo siblings: LOTZ eye color: brown shoe size: 11-12 height: TALL AZZ what are you wearing right now? Urbanology shirt and Sweats where do you live? AUX righty or lefty? right handed. favourites - number: 7 song: LOADS month(s): August juice: Orange food: fried rice never fails have you ever? - bungee jumped: no fanx gone skinny dipping: yuss played truthordare: who hasnt :S im a pro btw been in a police car: yess :S been on a plane: yarp came close to dying: all the time :S been in a sauna: yes haha been in a hot tub: YUPERZ swam in the ocean: i think so lol broken someone's heart: (Y) cried when someone died: no cried in school: when wasnt I crying? fell off your chair: NEVER sat by the phone for s.one to phne u: PRINCE : l saved MSN convrsations: lol saved e-mails: from God. what - what's your room like: blue :S and messy what is beside you: fan and my phone and printer and dishes :S what is the last thing you ate: Diner what kind of shampoo do you use: water ever had - chicken pox: NAHH sore throat: YEAH duhhh stitches: are a gurls best friend brokenose: HELL NAHH do you - believe in love at first sight: yuss like picnics: who doesnt? like school: fuck off questions: who ws the last persn u phned: Vodafone lol who ws th last persn u danced wth: LMAO who makes you smile: @ replys on twitter... what a SAD SAD life. who last - did you last yell at: MA MA MIA broke your heart: J tld you they loved you: aw prince the homo ;) hahaha final qeustions - what are you listening to right now: The Smiths what did you do yesterday: Watched 30Rock like ALL DAY evr hated s.one in your fam: mi brother is satan.. but hes okay at times what car do you wish to have: Jag where do you want to get married: on the moon.. or in the sun good driver: I only crash all the time good singer: IM like beyonce but hotter. whos your bestfriend? Prince & Ravz diamond or pearl: poop are you the oldest child: NOWAYHOZAY indoor/outdoor: indoorzy aye today did you - talk to someone you liked: NO got deleted: maybe,,, got sick: diarrhoea sing: unfortunately talked to an ex: noo missomeone: yahh last person who - was in your bed: my ass saw you cry: God made you cry: God went to the movies with: Prince you went to town with: Haylie ever been in a fight with your pet: i eat pets been to california: nahh been to mexico: Ola ! |
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