My heart seriously goes out to everyone affected by this devastating tragedy. Watching all these news reports, videos, pictures, facebook status', and tweets is so heart wrenching. Right now as I am typing this, 65 people have been confirmed dead. It is so depressing and a horrific tragedy. It really is the worst day in New Zealand history in my life. I know I am not from there and it does not effect me directly but I really do feel for everyone there as a New Zealander and as a human being. The devastation that this earthquake has caused and all the pain that I can see on the people from the videos I have seen is just awful and the death toll will only rise as they find more bodies under rubble. One of the worst things to happen is that the cathedral in Christchurch was destroyed with the Cathedral Spire being destroyed. I also just saw John Key on 3 News and he looked very distraught. So did the Christchurch mayor.
"This maybe our darkest day..." - PM John key.
Here were some tweets I just capped from my timeline...

TOP IMAGE: from 3NewsWebsite

One of the most tragic videos I saw was of these two woman coming back to work after lunch and seeing them react to there entire workplace being destroyed. All there friends and there careers trapped in a collapsed building with people screaming from inside for help. They just breakdown into tears and cry. I just imagined if I was in that position and just staring at the building I work with all my workmates I would be just as emotional. It really was like watching a really scary natural disaster movie. With the camera man running around and the reporter panting and looking at all the wreckage and destruction around them. I seriously feel for everyone trapped inside buildings and under tables or under large blocks of cement. It is such a traumatic event. This woman, ANN VOSS, was on the phone talking to the news anchor on Channel 3, she was telling him how she had called her family and told them all goodbye because she was trapped and she thought she was not going to make it... so heart breaking.
This is such a sad and miserable day in New Zealand history. This is just some stuff I quickly collated of what I could find about todays earthquake. I just seriously hope that the death toll does not go up in into insurmountable numbers. I mean 65 dead already! That is 65 families effected, but not only that all there friends, neighbors, partners and everyone in there community. This is such an tragic day that New Zealanders need to join together to help each other. I really will do all I can to help out from here all the way in Auckland with anything I can do. If you are from New Zealand you should do the same also!
So go somewhere and give blood or if you can you should donate what you can to the Red Cross here Here are some more images I found online of the devastation of today. I dont really do "Life Blogs" like this that are not about my own life but I found that this really is relevant to my life right now and to everyone in New Zealands life at this moment in time. I really, really hope that there will be more amazing stories of people being saved rather then people being pulled out of rubble.
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