Friday: INTENSE Game of Scum/President/Asshole lol We actually played using lollies as currency haha at the end Martha pretty much won EVERYTHING! But then she ran off to do cartwheels while Matt, Meripa and I stole all of her good lollies haha (Which can be seen in the video at the bottom of this post) and yeah it was an awesome time. :)

Thursday: HAPPY [2ND] BIRTHDAY CHRISTINA! Yesterday A group of us went to go watch Black Swan and have Sals pizza for our friend Christinas birthday. It was an awesome night. The movie was really, really awesome and the pizza was seriously HUGE! Prince and I even ended up taking leftovers home haha and yeah I bought Christina a cake for her birthday and a birthday card which had two kinda proper English woman getting drunk on the front of it. My good friend Louella got her an awesome Proper English Police cap which was really cool :)

Wednesday: I got to hang out with @tinopai and @JaycenC my good friends from twitter. We pretty much got to know eachother out of the confines of the "twitterverse" and we got coffee and had Japanese food with my friend Louella :)
I have not been posting ANYTHING for AGES! Sorry I have been SOOOOOOOOOOOO busy with Summer School and what ever time I do have left over I try spend it with my amazing friends. Hope you are all well and swell. :)
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